My Top 5 Hats for Summer

Today on CCG, I wanted to list some of my favorite hats for this season. Not only are hats a great accessory  to any look, but they help keep those powerful rays off your face; which is something I didn’t really think about until the last few years as wrinkles started to show. I always thought my mom looked so goofy wearing her HUGE visor while slathering on the sunscreen. However, now, I find myself doing the same thing in hopes to stop time from showing all over my face. You can still look amazing while protecting your skin from the sun. I have listed my top five hats for Spring/Summer chicness. Don’t forget to click the title link for more details about where to purchase them!

Livermore Wine Festival

Every year since I was a child, we have gone to the wine festival in Livermore. When I was younger and my mother owned a dance studio, I used to dance on the makeshift stage they set up next to the wine booths. Over the years, this little festival has grown and it’s even more fun taking my own children now.

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Tropical Bird Dress

Does anyone ever think there aren’t enough hours in the day or days in the week to get everything you need done? I constantly feel like I am a hamster on a wheel continuously moving without much to show for it. Or at least that is how it seems….As I sit here writing, I am surrounded by piles and piles of laundry that need folding, a disorganized desk that was organized last week, and a mountain of work I need to do for my ballet school’s performances coming up. These are just a few things that somehow need to get done today amidst everything else including playing chauffeur to four demanding customers, aka, my kids. Baseball practice, singing, piano lessons and band recitals round off my day today. I’ve got my 32 oz. iced coffee by my side.

Wente Vineyards

After what has seemed like ages, my husband and I were finally able to leave our children with Nana and Pop Pop and spend the afternoon at Wente Vineyards. It was a much needed day to unwind, reconnect and relax together one on one. This marks the first time we have been able to leave them since my surgery, after one failed attempt at a movie night a couple months ago.

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