Cherry Picking in Brentwood

One activity our family enjoys doing together is fruit picking out in Brentwood at the local farms. Cherries, peaches, strawberries, apples, you name it, we will pick it! Last month, it was the beginning of cherry season and so we loaded the kids in the car and found the perfect cherry farm off the main road that hadn’t been touched by the hoards of people who all had the same idea in mind that day.

Palm Print Loafers

Happy Monday! I can’t believe it’s already the end of June. Time sure does fly by, doesn’t it? Now that my ballet performances are over until December and I have more time this Summer, we are planning my “Spine-Iversary” BBQ next month. When I was laying in my hospital bed, not knowing if I would ever even walk again, I remember telling my husband, “If I can get through this ****, I am throwing myself a party.” So many people and things have helped pushed me forward and supported me and this party is about them as well. I will be writing a long overdue update over on shortly.

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Plaid Midi Skirt

This week in the Bay Area, it has been a record high in the heat department. I am currently being held captive by my air conditioner to beat the heat indoors. Yesterday, the kids and I went and saw Cars 3 not just for the movie, but for the air conditioning! Let’s hope this heat wave comes and goes sooner rather than later.

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A Day at Ghirardelli Square

This is a sponsored post for Ghirardelli Square. However, all opinions are my own.

Last weekend, my husband and I spent our first day and night away from the kids since my surgery last July. My surgery traumatized my four year old so badly that he had refused to spend anytime away from Neil or me. We have made several attempts over the last few months to leave for short periods of time with little success. This time, I bought the 400 count pack of water balloons from Costco and had a pep talk and sent him over to Grandma and Grandpa’s hoping it would go smoothly. Our destination of choice, Ghirardelli Square.