Marriage Advice From A 30 Something Blogger

Marriage advice brought to you from the other side of ten beautiful years!

To celebrate our ten year wedding anniversary ala blogger style, I organized a sunset photo shoot while we were on our little getaway to Santa Barbara. I wanted to do something special to capture the love we still share after 10 years of marriage. I will cherish these photos forever as our photographer, Lauren MaeveMarriage advice brought t, did a wonderful job and they turned out beautifully. So today on CCG, I wanted to not only share our amazing sunset Santa Barbara pictures but also talk a little bit about what I have learned over the last decade being married and share with you some marriage advice and valuable things that I have learned over time.

Our Stay At Simpson House Inn, Santa Barbara Ca

This is a sponsored post for Simpson House Inn, Santa Barbara. However, all opinions are my own.

Two weeks ago, Neil and I spent our 10 year wedding anniversary away for 4 glorious days! We hadn’t been away from the kids for that long since my surgeries and I’d been looking forward to this little vacation for months. Needless to say, it was an amazing time and I am so excited to share all about it with you. After two days in Ojai, we made our way down to Santa Barbara; where we spent 2 wonderful nights at the Simpson House  Santa Barbara celebrating our anniversary and exploring the wonderful surrounding areas.

Methode Brigitte Kettner (MBK) Eye Rejuvenator (skin care)

This is a sponsored post for MBK on their MBK Eye Rejuvenator, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

I feel a little like a naughty child for not posting in 2 weeks. Neil and I went on our 10 year wedding anniversary vacation and then it’s been a struggle to get back into the swing of things again, especially with all the kids sports games and activities. It’s back to the grind, that’s for SURE. Anyhoo……one skin care product I have actually been dying to tell you about is the MBK Eye Rejuvenator. I came across the brand Methode Brigitte Kettner on Instagram and scooped  up this amazing little tool to try and help these poor under eyes of mine. I have used it for two weeks and wanted to share with you all the details! So, today on CCG, let’s talk about skincare and this awesome MBK eye rejuvenator!

10 Self-Care Ideas To Combat Stress

I am hardly an expert when it comes to self-care. I’m not a psychology major and I didn’t take courses on the subject of taking care of yourself, but I’ve had some pretty big life experiences that have definitely been stressful and anxiety-inducing causing me to find ways to cope.

I have spent a large amount of time looking into new ways that can help alleviate stress because let’s face it, us moms definitely have our hands full. Couple that with work, deadlines, difficult situations and everything else you have piled up, and you have the perfect recipe for stress! I think everyone deals with this differently and for that reason, I have put together my favorite 10 self-care ideas that I have used to help me combat stress and anxiety for Monday Motivation. I hope you find something here that resonates with you and that you try it yourself!