Our Stay At Simpson House Inn, Santa Barbara Ca

This is a sponsored post for Simpson House Inn, Santa Barbara. However, all opinions are my own.

Two weeks ago, Neil and I spent our 10 year wedding anniversary away for 4 glorious days! We hadn’t been away from the kids for that long since my surgeries and I’d been looking forward to this little vacation for months. Needless to say, it was an amazing time and I am so excited to share all about it with you. After two days in Ojai, we made our way down to Santa Barbara; where we spent 2 wonderful nights at the Simpson HouseĀ  Santa Barbara celebrating our anniversary and exploring the wonderful surrounding areas.

Our Weekend Getaway to Mendocino Part Two

Last post, I wrote about the amazing resort, Heritage House, that Neil and I stayed at when we visited Mendocino, Ca. Today, I wanted to go into detail over the various activities and sights we saw while there for our two day weekend getaway. If you haven’t had a chance to read part one, click here.

Our Weekend Getaway to Mendocino Part One, Heritage House Resort

Neil and I recently took a much needed two day trip to Mendocino, Ca. It was the first time either of us had been there and boy, was it amazing. Months ago, I came across the most adorable resort in Little River, a town a few miles from Mendocino, called Heritage House Resort. I had begged Neil over and over if we could stay there at some point. What can I say, somehow, I was immediately drawn to it. So, we planned a weekend trip and dropped the kiddies off with my in-laws and made our way up the coast to Heritage House Resort.

Lake Tahoe Weekend Part 2

Did you read part one on our trip to Lake Tahoe earlier in the week? You did? Awesome……Now where did I leave off? Ah yes, dogsledding…