Make-Up Monday….My Top 5 Lipsticks

Happy Monday! Today on the blog, I wanted to share with you the top 5 lipsticks I wear most often. I think Lip color is a fabulous way to accent a look, give your face a pop ofĀ color and make those luscious lips have a stand out moment.Ā 

Make-Up Monday….. My 5 Minute Morning Routine

I have created a new segment on Champagne Colored Glasses called Make-Up Mondays. Every week, I plan to feature a product I use that I love or something I have on my wish list, etc. On a daily basis, I am asked numerous questions about what beauty products I use and how I look so put together. Sometimes, I want to laugh out loud because my morning routine is anything but organized and put together. After getting four kids dressed, three ready for school , lunches made and packing the diaper bag, I have roughly 10 minutes to get myself out of pajamas and ready for the day. I need something quick and easy to take me from the Mombie(you know, mom plus zombie), and get me looking presentable. Today, I am sharing with you what I use each morning.

Let’s Talk About Skincare…

I am kicking off theĀ first post on Champagne Colored Glasses to write aboutĀ my favorite skincare products at the moment. Being a mom of four in my thirties, I know I am not getting any youngerĀ andĀ it seems daily I am findingĀ new wrinkles and more of those dreaded sun spots. CanĀ I blame some of these wrinkles on the stress from my kids? I am willing to try anything, within reason, to slow down the inevitable. So let’s get started, shall we?