The Negative Nancy

Since going public with this blog, I have met some pretty amazing and inspiring people who have given me some advice regarding surgery. I have also been able to share my story with hundreds of people many of whom have scoliosis and needed someone to talk to and have now decided to go get their spines checked out.  Writing about my journey and talking to others has been like therapy for me. It has given me purpose and the feeling of freedom that I no longer have to hide or be ashamed of what I look like or what I go through. 99.9% of the comments and messages have been genuine, sincere and very supportive. Last night I encountered my first “Negative Nancy” and although I knew when I began posting openly about my disorder that everyone has opinions and they are free to say what they want, I was amazed as some of the comments that this one person who I have never met in my life, could say. I’m sorry, or should I say type behind a computer screen? I try not to read into it, but it makes me wonder……Was this blog a mistake? Below are two comments posted on MY profile on my Xray picture on Instagram:

A moment of courage

Being so busy has helped me keep my mind off of my impending surgery. My ballet school performances are coming up in June and this time of year is always stressful for me. Even though I love what I do, making sure everything is ordered, t-shirt designing, programs, costume alterations and then getting through rehearsals and performances,  it can be tough to handle, especially when I still have to take care of 4 kids and a husband, insane back pain and then there’s that surgery looming over my head.

Designer Camouflage For My Scoliosis

Writing a blog was always something I have thought of doing. I am a pro at finding sales on designer clothing online, Queen of coupon codes, and know exactly which celebrity is wearing what designer. I have often thought about what pictures I would have on my blog and which of my favorite shoes I would post about, etc. Never did it cross my mind that I would ever blog about scoliosis and posting pictures of my deformed back. It’s hardly “fashionable” and no coupon code can fix this.

Making new friends…..

I never realized how many people like me there were out there. Years ago, I would search and find no one going through what I was.  I felt so alone and didn’t have anyone other than my husband to talk to about it and even then, I would be embarrassed and not want him to “examine” my back. Sure, my closest friends knew, but not really to the extent of how awful it actually was.  Over the last few days looking at the pictures I posted, to me they don’t really do my back justice because I feel like in person, its a whole other level of “scary”. Maybe I am just so used to seeing these pictures, that it just doesn’t look as “scary” as it is? Just thinking out loud here…. scoliosis