I am hardly an expert when it comes to self-care. I’m not a psychology major and I didn’t take courses on the subject of taking care of yourself, but I’ve had some pretty big life experiences that have definitely been stressful and anxiety-inducing causing me to find ways to cope.
I have spent a large amount of time looking into new ways that can help alleviate stress because let’s face it, us moms definitely have our hands full. Couple that with work, deadlines, difficult situations and everything else you have piled up, and you have the perfect recipe for stress! I think everyone deals with this differently and for that reason, I have put together my favorite 10 self-care ideas that I have used to help me combat stress and anxiety for Monday Motivation. I hope you find something here that resonates with you and that you try it yourself!
One thing I love to do, is spend a few minutes every couple days reading my favorite inspirational quotes to help me recharge, refresh and focus. This is something I began doing while in the hospital for the month following my spine surgery and I have continued to do this frequently since then. It has, I guess, become a routine for me and something that has really helped. So, today on CCG, I wanted to share some of my favorite inspirational quotes and what they mean to me in a new segment called, Monday Motivation.
Ever feel like you are stuck in a rut; whether it be a relationship, work, blogging, etc? Do you ever feel like a hamster continuously spinning on a wheel which never actually moves you forward? Do you ever feel burnt out? I am here to say I totally feel you! In fact, I definitely have my moments where I feel like I am not going anywhere. Is all this hard work a waste of time? Let’s team up and hit that reset button together and get a productive start to the new year like a boss, shall we? I have compiled my list of to-do’s to start this year off right!