April is sleeping and my mind is racing. Now that April is well, as in she is alive and is in no current danger, what is next. Next, obviously is healing. The easy part will be her healing from her incisions, the disecting through muscle, the rods and screws being placed in her back, the osteotomies that literally ripped her vertebrae apart to make her spinal column flexible enough to straighten, and all the other normal things associated with Scoliosis surgery and colectomy surgery. The hard part will be learning how to walk again, coping with the mental toll of not being able to use her left leg, not seeing her children, and in general just not knowing what is going to happen in the future. April last saw our two youngest children, Will and Nick, on the 4th of July. We aren’t even sure when she will be discharged from here, and when she is finally discharged April won’t be able to go home, she has to go to a live in rehab facility. So who knows when she will actually be home.